Desert Blanc (Between Dakhla and Bahariya)

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Mountain of Bahariya::

The English Mountain as it is known, is a very popular Tourist attraction and located in the region most popular for adventure tourism due to its diverse landscapes of deserts and unusual rock formations, therefore attracting many visitors annually.Location:Considered to be the most northerly of all the Oases, Bahariya is famous for its White Desert and stunning rock formations along with the Black Desert in total contrast visually. The English Mountain site between Al Mandesha and Al Bawati City which are considered the capitals and hosts the largest settlements in the region.History The name ‘English Mountain’ was given it’s name due to the British Forces occupying the region during the 1st World War in 1916 and was a reconnaissance Post in Bahariya Oasis. On top of the Mountain are ruins which help identify it from a distance. The High point of the Mountain meant that troops under the command of Captain Williams, could spot any forthcoming advances from Libyan troops who would regularly attempt invasions at the Oasis around this time.As there has been volcanic activity in this region, the Mountain has a distinct top covering of basalt and diorite.

Crystal Mountains:

  • Crystal Mountain is somewhat a misguided name as it is not so much a Mountain as a large Rock Ridge, yet still as impressive as the name suggests.Location: Situated on the edge of the White desert in the Western Desert region, there is plenty to attract the passing tourists on their Jeep adventures through the various deserts and Oases here. What to see at the Crystal Mountain: The crystals are often described as what you might expect to see in a Superman Movie with the quartz crystals being of most interest to visitors. Of course it is not allowed to break off any crystal from the rock, however, there are always small loose crystals lying on the floor of the sandy desert which are picked up by the passing visitors. In the rock itself is a natural shaped arch of Calcite crystal which is a high as an adult male and always considered a focal point for photographs. Geologists consider this to be an exhumed cave, a cave-complete with stalagmites and stalactites- that has been thrust upwards by earth movement and, with time, has lost its roof to erosion and has almost weathered away. The calcite crystal

    White Desert:

    • The White Desert in Egypt is said to be one of the most visited popular attractions for adventure tourism due to the sheer unusual and diverse rock formations in its bright white surroundings.Location:Just north of the Farafra Oasis town in the Western desert region and very accessible for all guided tours into this region, it has a lot of sites to visit.

    • What to see:To see the desert at its whitestone must drive some distance from the main road. The weathered chalk mounds are dotted like pavlova cakes, ice-cream cones, and pools of icing. One might skim over a snow-swept glacier or thread one’s way through a maze of peppermint drops. The fantastic shapes of Farafra’s the White Desert are the result of millions of years of erosion of this chalk by wind and by sand blown in from the Great Sand Sea.


Starting at $1580 per person

Crystal Mountain, Egypt -geology in (1).jpg

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