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Aswan is a Nubian city in the south of Egypt located on the east bank of the Nile river connected to Cairo with train stations, railways and domestic flights,its the population almost about 900,000, The city of Aswan is about 85 meters above sea level, it is 879 km from Cairo, and its area about 34,608 km2.

Include:The Museum of Nubia,Folk Heritage of Nubia,Dancing,Nubian arts and Its symbols

Folk Heritage Of Nubia:its long cultural history, the folk heritage of Nubia is rich, varied and wonderfully original. Nubian heritage includes many aspects such as building, furniture, crafts, jewelry and colorful costumes.

The Nubia Museum in Aswan: Opened to the public in 1997, the Nubia Museum was built as part of the UNESCO International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia that commenced in 1960. It houses the artifacts salvaged during excavations from the Nubian areas threatened by the construction of the dam. It pays tribute to the culture and history of Nubia that goes back to the Prehistoric era. Designed to resemble traditional Nubian village architecture and built using local sandstone and pink granite, the museum was one of the winners of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2001.

Dancing:Nubian folk dancing is practiced in groups by women and men of all ages. A number of folk dances are performed in seasons of sowing and harvest, in prayer for prosperity and more crops.

Nubian Art And Its Symbols:Nubian art reflects Nubian culture and many of it symbols and motives are significant experiencing of folk traditions and tribal customs. This can be easily seen in tattoos and wall paintings that decorate the façade and entrances halls of many Nubian houses. These symbols recur in the designs of bead works and many kinds of baskets and other crafts and symbols including: - Sword in the Nubian culture stands for courage and heroic achievements. - Stars and crescent are Islamic symbols of good fortune. - The black cat, crows, and owls carry bad omens - Roses and flowers in general stands for friendship and love - The apple stands for feminine attraction - Prayer rug stands for purity and chastity


Starting at $1580 per person

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