Swia is a wonderful place to visit

so let's go

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Siwa trip 😍 including transfers! Moving times every Thursday, Including transfers, program and attractions, Hotels available 😍: - New Star Siwa Oasis - Babanchal Peace Palace - Paradise Safari - Kilani - Dehiba Resort contact us: 01007492152

About swia

The Cleopatras bath:The springs of Siwa are famous throughout the western desert, The spring of the sun Or Cleopatra's bath where Cleopatra swam when she visited Siwa oasis, So, It must be assumed, did Alexander the great.

The Temple of Oracle:

Located 4 km east of the present town of Siwa, the Temple of the Oracle is believed to have housed the famous Greek oracle of Jupiter Amun, to which Alexander the Great headed directly when he came to Egypt for the first time in 331 BC. Reputedly, it is believed that the Macedonian leader asked the oracle if he was going to 'rule the world,' legend has it that the answer was 'yes, but not for very long.' The temple has a great vestibule and forecourt.

the temple of the oracle swia oasis.jpg